/ Pedestal stand or Naga Singing Bowls
Pedestal stand or Naga Singing Bowls
These bowls from Tibet or Nepal have a rounded bottom and can be placed at a flat surface.
They are easy to play and very decorative.
Inscriptions are common on pedestal bowls. Some have inscriptions of which indicate ceremonial use while others identify the bowl as a gift. Usually, bowls with inscriptions are more valuable.
Most Pedestal stand or Naga Singing bowls are in sizes which vary from 4 to 10 inch.
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- Holzstatuen
- Bronzefiguren
- Lackkunstwerke
- Marmorstatuen
- Lavastein Figuren
- Stile / Perioden
- Pyu-periode
- Bagan-periode
- Toungoo-periode
- Ava-periode
- Amarapura-periode
- Shan (Tai Yai)-periode
- Mandalay-periode
- Arakan-periode
- Mon-periode
- Dvaravati-period
- Rattanakosin-periode
- Mudras / Buddhistische Gesten
- Bhumisparsha Mudra
- Namaskara Mudra
- Abhaya Mudra
- Dharmachakra Mudra
- Varada Mudra
- Vitarka Mudra
- Dhyana Mudra
- Mönche
- Thangkas
- Lachende Buddhas
- Kuan Yin Figuren
- Birmanische Nats
- Buddhaköpfe
- Gekrönte Buddhas
- Opiumgewichte
- Liegende Buddhas
- Naga Buddhafiguren
- Klangschalen