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Trip to Nepal and Burma

In November and december 2007, I have visited Nepal and Burma. In Nepal I bought a few antique and interesting Tibetan Thangka's. Soon they will be shown in the catalog on this website.
In Burma I bought a number of old Buddhastatues and temples. They will arrive in Holland after a few months.

Buddha image in the ground
Monks at a monastry near the Inle lake in the Shan state.
A golden Pagoda
Temple ruins
An antique bronze bell from a monastry
Many pagodas in the Shan state
Antique Buddha statue

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Our collection of Buddha statues from Asia

Antique wooden Burmese Buddha statue

€ 975

Antique Burmese limestone Buddha statue

€ 400

Special antique Burmese Buddha statue

€ 6.000

Antique Burmese Buddha statue on throne

€ 2.750

Old bronze Nepali Buddha statue

€ 275

Antique wooden Burmese Buddha statue

€ 2.250

Antique wooden Thai Buddha statue

€ 150

Antique Nyaung-Yan Buddha

€ 950

Old bronze Nepali Buddha statue

€ 275

Antique wooden Burmese Buddha statue

€ 1.350

Antique wooden Burmese Shan Buddha

€ 350

Antique stone Indian Buddha statue

€ 2.750

Old bronze Nepali Buddha statue

€ 275

Old bronze Nepali Buddha statue

€ 275

Very special Burmese marble Buddha statue

€ 7.500

Old bronze Nepali Buddha statue

€ 275

Antique wooden Burmese Shan Buddha

€ 1.250

Antique limestone Buddha statue

€ 600

Old bronze Nepali Buddha statue

€ 2.950

Special antique Burmese Buddha statue

Old bronze Nepali Buddha statue

€ 275

Antique wooden Mandalay Buddha statue

€ 2.250

Antique wooden Burmese Buddha statue

€ 100

Antique standing Mandalay Buddha statue

€ 750

Old bronze Nepali Buddha statue

€ 275

18th century Burmese Buddha statue

€ 1.950

Antique wooden Mandalay Buddha statue

€ 600

Antique Mandalay Buddha

€ 1.475

Antique wooden Thai Buddha statue

€ 200

Original antique bronze Mandalay Buddha

€ 3.750
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