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Purchasing Buddha statues in Burma December 2014

In November and December 2014 we have travelled to Burma to search for nice antiques. We have found alot of beautiful and original Buddha statues, as well as a few very special museum pieces. Below a photo impression:

Buy Buddha statue
18th century Buddha statue
Antique wooden monk
Bronze Ava Buddha Statue
Bronze Mandalay Buddha
Buying Antiques
Buy offering vessels
buying throne panel
Lacquer Buddha
large bagan buddha
Large Buddha Shrine
large kinnari kinnara
Late Bagan Buddha statue
mandalay period buddha
Marble buddha
Marble Shan Buddha
Offering Vessels in Boat
Packing Buddhas
Packing Buddha statues
Praying Monk
Purchasing antiques
Purchasing Buddha statues
wooden bagan panel

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Buy Buddha statues from Burma

Antique wooden Burmese Buddha statue

€ 975

Antique Burmese limestone Buddha statue

€ 400

Special antique Burmese Buddha statue

€ 6.000

Antique Burmese Buddha statue on throne

€ 2.750

Antique wooden Burmese Buddha statue

€ 2.250

Antique Nyaung-Yan Buddha

€ 950

Antique wooden Burmese Buddha statue

€ 1.350

Antique wooden Burmese Shan Buddha

€ 350

Very special Burmese marble Buddha statue

€ 7.500

Antique wooden Burmese Shan Buddha

€ 1.250

Antique limestone Buddha statue

€ 600

Special antique Burmese Buddha statue

Antique wooden Mandalay Buddha statue

€ 2.250

Antique wooden Burmese Buddha statue

€ 100

Antique standing Mandalay Buddha statue

€ 750

18th century Burmese Buddha statue

€ 1.950

Antique wooden Mandalay Buddha statue

€ 600

Antique Mandalay Buddha

€ 1.475

Original antique bronze Mandalay Buddha

€ 3.750

Antique wooden Burmese Lotus Buddha

€ 500

Old wooden Burmese Buddha statue

€ 1.450

Antique wooden Burmese Buddha statue

€ 1.950

Antique wooden Mandalay Buddha statue

€ 1.350

Antique wooden Burmese Mandalay Buddha

€ 375

Antique wooden Burmese Mandalay Buddha statue

€ 5.000

Antique Burmese Buddha with two monk statues

€ 550

Antique wooden Burmese Mandalay Buddha statue

€ 1.000

Antique Burmese marble Buddha statue

€ 1.750

Antique wooden Burmese Buddha statue

€ 150

Antique wooden Burmese Mandalay Buddha statue

€ 1.600
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