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Laughing Buddha

Author : Peter Vredeveld

Laughing Buddha Statue

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In Western countries, people refer to Buddha as a figure with a fat belly and a laughing face. This is quite a big misunderstanding in Western Buddhist society because what they are referring to is Laughing Buddha, also known as Maitreya Buddha, i.e., future Buddha. This misunderstanding came from the laughing Buddha statues, which are pretty popular in many countries since Buddha statues of Laughing Buddha represent happiness, joy, and prosperity. In general, Laughing Buddha is known as a Ch'an Buddhist monk from the Chinese Buddhist folktales during the 10th century.

"Maitreya, true Maitreya Reborn innumerable times From time to time manifested among men The men of the age do not recognize him"
- Last words of Laughing Buddha

Chinese Buddhist tradition depicts the statues of Laughing Buddha as the symbol of the laugh and smiling face of Laughing BuddhaLaughing Buddha is also known as Budai, and being the representation of joy and happiness, laughing Buddha statues are believed to bring feelings of stress and help to let go of worries, i.e., mental and financial worries.

    Budai as the Protector of Children

    Laughing Buddha

    Like the folktales in Chinese BuddhismBudai was believed to bring happiness to everyone around him, especially children. The term "Budai" symbolizes the hempen sack that the Laughing Buddha carries during his travels. His sack was believed to contain good things, i.e., sweets, especially for children. Laughing Buddha statues are also often depicted with children due to the belief that Budai protects children's happinessBudai also represents happiness, wealth, generosity, and protection of the poor and weak.

    Different Form of Laughing Buddha

    Laughing Buddha is depicted in various forms while carrying different objects. These different forms symbolize different meanings and are believed to bring happinessprosperity, and fortune, depending on where they are placed. Let's discuss some of them:

    1. Laughing Buddha Carrying a Wo Lu.

    This Buddha statue represents the protection of good health and longevity of life.

    2. Laughing Buddha Carrying Sack or Sitting on a Gold Coin

    This Buddha statue carrying a sack represents the goodies and sweets for childrenLaughing Buddha statues sitting on Gold coins represent wealth and prosperity.

    3. Laughing Buddha Sitting on Dragon Tortoise

    This Laughing Buddha statue while sitting on a Dragon tortoise symbolizes a promising career and the prosperity of a job and a good income.

    4. Laughing Buddha with Children Surrounded

    This laughing Buddha statue represents the welfare of the family and the family who wants to conceive a healthy baby.

    In Chinese Buddhism, the statue of Laughing Buddha can be found at the entrance of various important Chinese Buddhist temples. There is a famous tale about Laughing Buddha, i.e., rubbing the belly of Budai brings good luck, but it is a widespread folk tradition practice but not Buddha's teachings.

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