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Karma: Understanding it Across Religions

Author : Peter Vredeveld

Buddham Sharanam Gachchhami

Karma means an action, work, or deed. It can also be referred to as a principle, where an individual's actions and intent influence an individual's future. There is a lot of belief in different religions and cultures worldwide that good works and deeds lead to good Karma and happiness. In contrast, wrong actions and evil deeds lead to future suffering and bad Karma. Karma was originally from ancient India but is also believed in Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism, and Taoism.

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Karma in Hinduism

The people in Hindu especially from India and Nepal have a different concept of Karma. In Hinduism, karma literally refers to the universal principle of action and reaction, cause and effect, and believes it rules all the consciousness. Many Hindu people believe that it's a free will to create our own destinies. In accordance with Hindu Vedas, if we foster goodness, then we will get goodness in return and if we foster evil, then we will get evil in return. Hindu Vedas are large texts which originate in ancient India, which constitute the oldest layer of Sanskrit literature and oldest scripture of Hinduism said to create of one of the Trinity God, Brahma.

In Hindu culture, people from Nepal and India are said to produce karma in four ways:

  1. Through their thoughts
  2. Through their words
  3. Through actions that they perform
  4. Through actions that others perform under their instructions

Karma in Buddhism

There are two concepts of Buddhism: Karma and Karmaphala. These two concepts explain how our actions and deeds keep us tied to rebirth in Samsara. In contrast, the Buddhist path described in the Noble Eightfold Path explains the way out of Samsara. Samsara means cyclic existence or continuous movement.

Why Buddhist people believe in Karma?


If we ignore Karma, we will eventually create the problem for ourselves.

In Buddha Teachings :

"Do not think a small sin will not return in your future lives.

Just as falling drops of water will fill an enormous container,

The little sins that steadfastly accumulate will completely overwhelm you.

Do not think a small virtue will not return in your future lives.

Just as falling drops of water will fill an enormous container,

The little virtues that steadfastly accumulate will completely overwhelm you."

The above teaching explains the nature of reality; everything is interrelated and only exists as a small part of Karma and its effect on our lives.

Karma in Jainism

The people in India follow Jainism, taught by the twenty-four propagators of faith, also known as Tirthankaras. Unlike Hindu people who believe Karma is purely a law of nature, Jains think of Karma as clay to pot concerning the soul. They believe they can control Karma through effort, knowledge, and discipline. They think cruel, selfish actions will lead to heavy Karma, making the soul down, whereas willingly suffering will help lighten the soul. Jains don't believe in the universe's Supreme Being, creator, or Sustainer; thus, there is no world soul, and they must aid themselves in their endeavors.

Karma in Sikhism

Karma in the Sikh Scripture is explained as:

"The body in the field of Karma in this age; whatever you plant, you shall harvest, and by the Karma of past actions, the robe of this physical body is obtained. By His Grace, The Gate of Liberation is found."

The Sikh people are found prominently in the Punjab region of India. Still, the Sikh community is located in every continent, especially Canada. Sikhism believes that everything is done under the Supreme Command or Hukam. Sikh people believe in two kinds of Karma: Dukrit Karma and Sukrit Karma. Dukrit Karma means to think against the superior command, and Sukrit Karma means the opposite or rather to walk in Hukam.

In every religion, Karma means the reaction created due to one's action. People may have different ways to undo the reaction, but Karma always judges people in this life or afterlife.

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