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Four Stages To Attain Nirvana

Author : Peter Vredeveld

Nirvana is the highest state one can attain, and one who attained Nirvana is known as Arahant. There are four stages of Nirvana: Sotapanna, Sakadagami, Anagami, and Arahant.

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Nirvana is one of the most popular words in Buddhism. It is also known as Enlightenment. According to the legend, Lord Buddha attained the level of Nirvana in Bodh Gaya while meditating under the Bodhi Tree. It took six years for Lord Buddha to achieve Nirvana. In BuddhismNirvana is the highest state one can achieve and is also considered by Buddhist monks. According to Buddhist tradition, one who attained Nirvana will be free from worldly desires and suffering of life and will also be free from the Wheel of Life, Bhavachakra.

It is said that there are four stages to attain full Enlightenment. The four stages of Enlightenment in Buddhism are the four progressive stages that help to reach the highest state or state of Full Enlightenment. One who attained full Enlightenment is also known as Arahant. The teachings of the four progressive stages of Enlightenment are the central element of most Buddhist schools, including Theravada Buddhism. The four stages of Enlightenment are Sotapanna, Sakadagami, Anagami, and Arahant. The people at one of these four stages are included in the Buddhist Community or Sangha.

Four Stages


The standard four stages described in the Sutta Pitaka of Pali Canon are Stream Enterer, Once-Returner, No-Returner, and The Arahant. However, according to the Sangha of Tathagata's Disciples, there are around eight paths to Nirvana if the paths and fruit of an individual are taken separately. They are:

  1. Path to Stream Entry
  2. The fruition of Stream Entry
  3. Path to Once-Returner
  4. Fruition of Once-Returner
  5. Path to No Returner
  6. The fruition of No Returner
  7. Path to Arahantship
  8. Fruition of Arahantship

But the standard four stages of Enlightenment are:

  • Stream Enterer 

The first stage is Stream Enterer or SotappanaSotappana means "one who enters the streams. " One who enters this stage is said to open the eye of the Dharma. It is said that one who has opened the eye of the Dharma attained the level of Arahantship in the seven rebirths. When you become a stream-enterer, you become free from desire and rituals, don't have identity issues, and can become one with the mind and the eye. It is believed that one who entered at this stage will never be born in the lower realms of BhavachakraStream Enterer will have the utmost confidence in the three Jewels of Buddhism, i.e., BuddhaDharma, and Sangha.

  • Once-Returner

The second stage of Enlightenment is Once-Returner or SakadagamiSakadagami means one who once comesOnce-Returner and Stream Enterer are said to be free from the three constraints of Enlightenment. The three constraints are self-illusion, doubt, and attachment to rituals and rulesOnce the returner has weakened the other three hindrances of Enlightenment, i.e., lust, ill will, and desire for fine material, The Once-Returners are believed to attain Enlightenment in one rebirth than Stream Enterer, excluding rebirth in lower realms like animals, hell, or hungry ghosts.

  • Non-Returner

The third stage of Nirvana is Non-Returner, also known as AnagamiAnagami means "one who doesn't come ". Non-Returner is said to be free from the five constraints and doesn't return to the human world or any lower realms after being reborn. Non-returners are believed to attain Nirvana after one rebirth. They are born in one of the five unique worlds.

  • Arahant

The last stage of Nirvana is Arahant. One who enters this stage is free from all ten fetters and becomes free from the cycle of rebirth and death. An arahant attained the level of Nirvana by following the path Lord Buddha showed.

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