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The art of lacquerware

Burmese Lacquerware

Lacquerware is a famous local craft that has developed over time into an art form of refined quality.

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The lacquerware craftsmanship originally came from China in the 1st century AD.

Traditionally extraordinary fine lacquerware bowls were produced with a combination of horsehair and bamboo to make them very flexible.

Lacquer-ware is crafted from a mixture of the juice of the Thitsi tree and ash applied on the surface of objects such as woven bamboo or wood.

A multicoloured lacquerware item takes approximately 6 months to complete. This is because the entire process involves more than a dozen of steps to complete. Successive layers of lacquerware are applied to the object to eliminate irregularities and then dried several days. When fully dry, the surface is polished to a smooth finish, and ornamental and figurative designs are added to enhance the lacquerware.

Basically, dried lacquerware is black and to give a touch of colour cheap items are simply painted, while expensive items are embellished by means of engraving, painting and polishing. The most usual colours are red, black, green and yellow.

Lacquerware from Bagan

Lacquerware is found in Thailand and Laos, but the best examples are crafted in the villages around Bagan in Burma.

A lacquerware workshop
Lacquerware from bamboo
Making the base of a lacquerware vessel
Lacquerware from horse hair
Making lacquerware from hore hair
Ladies at lacquerware workshop
Adding the real lacquerware
Adding detailed carvings

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See our lacquerware items

Antique Burmese Buddha statue on throne

€ 2.750

Antique Burmese Buddha head

€ 1.250

Antique Burmese offering vessel

€ 675

Antique Burmese Buddha statue

€ 1.800

Antique Burmese offering vessel

€ 750

Very special large Burmese Shan Buddha statue

Old Burmese reclining Buddha statue

€ 400

Antique Shan Buddha statue

€ 3.450

Antique Burmese lacquerware Buddha statue

€ 2.450

Special large antique crowned Buddha statue

€ 8.500

Antique Shan Buddha with Naga

€ 1.750

Antique lacquerware Buddha statue

€ 150

Antique Burmese Shan Buddha

€ 600

Antique gilded Burmese offering vessel

€ 1.850

Antique gilded Burmese offering vessel

€ 1.350

Special large antique Shan Buddha statue

€ 6.500

Antique Shan Buddha on throne

€ 2.400

Antique Burmese Shan Buddha

€ 1.450

Antique Burmese Mandalay Buddha statue

€ 2.450

Antique Burmese crowned Buddha statue

€ 650

Special antique Burmese Buddha statue

€ 6.000

Antique Burmese Shan Buddha

€ 5.450

Large antique Burmese Ava Buddha statue

€ 1.500

Large Burmese offering vessel with Hintha bird

€ 3.500

Antique Burmese Shan Buddha statue

€ 1.650

Antique Burmese offering vessel

€ 550

Old sitting Buddha

€ 900

Pair of old Burmese monk statues

€ 575

Antique Burmese monk statue

€ 150

Antique Burmese Buddha statue

€ 2.500
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