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Buddha statue gallery

Original Buddhas

Original Buddhas

The spirit of the past

The spirit of the past

The spirit of a Buddha statue is exceptional and loved by many people around the world. It is our passion to bring original masterpieces of the past, from Asia to you!

See our statues
icon 1Worldwide shipping
icon 2Personal and passionate
icon 3Guarantee of authenticity
icon 4Fairtrade

Choose a category

Buddha statues

Buddha statues

Buddha head statues

Buddha Heads

Hindu God statues

Hindu God statues

Guan Yin statues

Guan Yin statues

Temples / shrines

Temples / shrines

Burmese Nats

Burmese Nats

Opium Weights

Opium Weights

Singing Bowls

Singing Bowls

Private Collection

Private Collection

Latest added items

Old bronze Nepali Medicine Buddha statue

€ 275

Antique wooden Indian temple panel

€ 1.500

Antique bronze Opium Weight

€ 150

Antique Indian wooden Temple fragment

€ 450

Antique wooden Burmese Nat statue

€ 750

Old bronze Nepali White Tara statue

€ 3.500

Antique sandstone temple from India

€ 150

Old bronze gilded Nepali Buddha statue

€ 1.950

Old pair of wooden burmese monks

€ 2.000

Antique pottery Krishna statue

€ 150
See the catalog (1168)

Personally selected for you

Each year we spend several months travelling through Asia to search for beautiful, exclusive antique Buddha statues.

Each piece has a unique story

Original and antique Buddha statues have a unique past. Each piece is one of a kind and tells its own story. They carry a history within themselves.

The largest collection of authentic masterpieces

Our collection is displayed in a beautiful old church in the city Deventer in The Netherlands.

Our story

Peter has lived a significant part of his live in Asia, has many Asian friends and a great passion for Buddhist art.

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